Mar 8, 2016

Watch: For You - @iamshakespear

Be patient with me, even WTM misses some things that are really dope.

In today's episode of "what were you thinking" I missed out on Shakespear and his latest video For You. Dolo Filmz does a great job depicting that age old tale of the good guy who knows he could love her better than her current man. The sample and production was dope. I even like the different perspectives he rapped from and the characters he played in this video. For You was first heard on his Beatrice Collins tape which is flames if I might add. You can expect one of the staffers to review that in the near future. In the meantime you can watch the visual for this one after the break.

Jonathan C. Ramsey
Jonathan C. Ramsey

Multimedia Journalist, Founder and Chief Editor of WTM Host of A-Side B-Side Podcast and more. I like to talk about stuff and write it down. Sometimes to a microphone. Either way, I need you to feel this.

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