Oct 10, 2014

Watch: Under Pressure - @Logic301

Another week or so before the album is released, and Logic releases a video for his album titled track, Under Pressure.

You might have to watch it two or three times to really take everything in. This visual took on a first person shooter kind of theme for gamers to understand. It was a movie. The theme was so captivating I forgot it was even a rap video and had to go back to listen to Young Sinatra spit. Enjoy the video below and be on the lookout for Logic's debut album, Under Pressure dropping October 21st.

Jonathan C. Ramsey
Jonathan C. Ramsey

Multimedia Journalist, Founder and Chief Editor of WTM Host of A-Side B-Side Podcast and more. I like to talk about stuff and write it down. Sometimes to a microphone. Either way, I need you to feel this.

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