Jun 27, 2016

Listen: Gods - @_MAXWELL_ {Written by: @Natural_Nation}

With the the release of his new single, Gods, it is quite clear that Maxwell is gearing up for the release of blackSUMMERS'night. The album will be the second part of his three part musical trilogy that began with BLACKsummer'night back in 2009. We all remember that album. It seemed like Pretty Wings stayed on the charts that entire summer and it was the one song to this day I never get tired of hearing.  Gods is the third song released from the album. Maxwell's voice continues to embody a sultry and sensual tone while developing his music in a way that is simple and clean. He never overcomplicates his music or seems to ever struggle lyrically and Gods is no different. I cannot wait to hear the rest of his upcoming album. blackSUMMERS'night is currently scheduled to come out on the first of July.  Expect my review for WTM soon after.


Multimedia Journalist, Founder and Chief Editor of WTM Host of A-Side B-Side Podcast and more. I like to talk about stuff and write it down. Sometimes to a microphone. Either way, I need you to feel this.

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